Kazuho Watanabe
Sep, 2024-present:
Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology.
Apr, 2019-Aug, 2024:
Associate professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology.
Apr, 2014-Mar, 2019:
Tenure-track lecturer, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology.
Apr, 2009-Mar, 2014:
Assistant professor, Graduate School of Information Science,
Nara Institute of Science and Technology.
Apr, 2008-Mar, 2009:
Assistant professor, Dept. of Complexity Science and Engineering, The University of Tokyo.
Apr, 2007-Mar, 2008:
Postdoctoral researcher,
Dept. of Complexity Science and Engineering,
The University of Tokyo.
Oct, 2006-Mar, 2007:
Postdoctoral research fellow,
The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS-PD).
Apr, 2004-Sep, 2006:
Research fellow,
The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS-DC1).
Apr, 2016-Mar, 2021, Apr, 2022-present:
Part-time Lecturer, Education Development Center, Shizuoka University.
Oct, 2012, Sep, 2013:
Visiting Researcher, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Helsinki, Helsinki Institute for Information Technology.
Aug, 2002:
Summer Intern, NTT Communication Science Laboratories.
Sep, 2006 :Doctor of Engineering,
Dept. of Computational Intelligence and Systems Science,
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Mar, 2004 :Master of Engineering,
Dept. of Advanced Applied Electronics,
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Mar, 2002 :Bachelor of Engineering,
Dept. of Computer Science,
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Nov, 2013: SITA encouragement award (Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications)
Jul, 2010: Best paper method award of the GfKl (German Classification Society)
Sep, 2008: Best paper award of the JNNS (Japanese Neural Network Society)